Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Good in Life

The other day, someone told me that I focus too much on the negative things in life and not enough on the good....that I'm always worried about what has not yet been accomplished versus how far I've come. So here is the list of things in life that put a smile on my face:

  • Zeus and Athena (my pups) excitedly greeting me when I get home and wake up the morning like it's the best thing that's ever happened to them
  • Watching the sun rise while running in the morning
  • The feeling I get after mixing, baking and decorating a batch of cupcakes; the smell the that exudes from them; the taste, texture and feeling of a slightly warm, heavily iced cupcakes melting away in my mouth
  • When Wally kisses me on the forehead
  • A freshly brewed cup of coffee with real sugar and cream....yum
  • Crossing the finish line after a race of any distance...and the ability to eat and never get full for at least a day
  • Reading a letter my dad gave me the day I was initiated into my sorority...he rarely tells me how proud he is of me or how much he loves me. I've read this letter at least a hundred times and it still makes me tear up each time I read it
  • Cold mornings when I can stay in bed and cuddle with my Zeus monster...and maybe Wally too ;-)
  • A glass of conundrum (wine) and freshly baked brie
  • Helping someone accomplish a goal or at least realize that they have the potential to
  • Getting a paycheck every Friday and knowing that I am responsible for paying my bills (with Wally of course)...and no longer relying on my parents for anything
  • Hearing a student tell me that I am actually making a difference in their life
As far as personal accomplishments go, I know that I have a lot to be proud of and a bright future to look forward. However, the saying "you are your own worst critic" has always reigned true for me. Since I was a little kiddo, I've always placed more attention on the things that I don't have or haven't done yet, which, as a result, brings me down when I should be proud. As time progresses, I'm learning that I will get there someday (wherever that place maybe) and in the meantime I should take in every moment on my journey there. I'm also beginning to realize that happiness is a state of mind and if I want to be happy...then I will be :)

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